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Get Involved

It can feel a bit daunting at times to look about and see if we can make a difference.


Getting involved on a national scale through politics, petitions and protests can also feel like a big step. How about looking closer to home and seeing if you can make a difference in your community. You don’t have to be someone who leads a project, you can give as much or little time as you have.


I know not everyone can give much time to local projects but there have certainly been activities people could get involved in on a smaller scale, for example…


• Look to see if your community is part of the Transition Network. Sign up to their newsletters. There are often smaller activities you could become involved in. In the past Transition Bollington have needed helpers weeding and maintaining community planting schemes, painting Terracycle boxes, air pollution monitoring, traffic surveys and liaising with schools regarding planting.


Scoop and Scales in Macclesfield are very heavily reliant on volunteers. Could you give a couple of hours here and there to help? Is there a Zero-Waste movement near you who you could help?


• Start collecting for your local TerraCycle UK collectors. Locally this could be via One Project Macclesfield.


• Litter picking or beach cleans may be arranged in your area or you could arrange one! Surfers Against Sewage, your council or local groups may have litter pickers available to borrow.


Bollington Borrowers are our local library of things (we have volunteers fill a number of roles including manning the cabin on a Saturday morning) maybe one near you could use some help?


Cre8 Surplus Food Grocery has volunteers to help collate their weekly collections.


• Join local facebook groups to see what is happening and when people need volunteers. Near here we have Macctastic Discussion Group and Poynton Goes Green or XR Rebellion Macclesfield.


Small steps really can make a big difference!

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