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Beeswax Wrap

The charity WRAP states “It is estimated that some 1.2 tonnes of plastic film from packaging arises in the UK waste stream every year. Of this, around two thirds are post-consumer (i.e. from household) and one third from commercial, industrial and agricultural sources.”.


Cling film cannot be recycled as it wraps around the machinery in the waste plant. You could use silver foil which can be recycled but why not replace this too with products that can be reused?


To cover and preserve foods you could look around your home first to make simple swaps such as old ice-cream or takeaway tubs, putting a plate over a bowl of food or using glass jars such as old jam jars or pasta sauce jars.

Beeswax or vegan wraps are a very popular alternative to using cling film. They keep bread especially nice and fresh so perfect for wrapping your sandwich for lunch.

There are a number of stretchy silicone covers that can be bought from large ones to cover plates to small ones for covering individual fruits and vegetables. These can be dishwasher safe and used time and time again. There are also reusable silicone bags available.

You could also buy airtight stainless steel containers? A popular choice in catering just make sure you don't store acidic or salty foods in them for a long period of time.

Below are some items you could buy to help (I may have visited Lakeland!)…



Ikea 365+ Silicone lids – 1 lid - £2.50…/ikea-365-lid-square-silicone-703820…/

Brown paper sandwich and snack bags – great for sandwiches – Lakeland - £3.99…/48-Traditional-Brown-Paper-Sna… Top Right - Reusable silicone lids – Lakeland – Pack of 6 - £6.99…/Lakeland-Clear-Reusable-Silico…

Ikea Overmatt – set of 3 silicone food covers - £2.75…/oevermaett-food-cover-set-of-3-sili…/

Waxed fabric wraps – various prices depending on sizes. Waxed Fabric Wraps Bottom Left - Pack of 3 Joie Silicone food lids – Lakeland - £11.99…/3-Joie-Silicone-Food-Storage-L…

Elasticated fabric food covers – Lakeland - £26.99…/Fabric-Elasticated-Food-Covers…

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